Saturday, January 26, 2013

Help me name this piece

Finally found the time to squeeze in a blog post! I have been planning to do it this morning, but after my exercise, breakfast and bath, I just went back to bed. :( Then I watched blueberry nights (which my friend is itching for me to watch). And now I want a blueberry pie! So anyway I'm back, this piece is yet to be named (maybe you could help me name this one.).

I started with light colors (meaning lots of water than paint) gradually darkening some of the parts (less water or directly from the tube). Then I added the details using pencil, usually I only use darker shades of watercolor or gouache to add the detail, but I decided to try something different and see how it goes. 

I like the effect of the pencil. The only challenge I got are the pencil smudge marks, (you know when you draw, the graphite transfers to your hand) to solve this problem I placed paper on top of my artwork so everything will be clean. And that's it. :) 

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